Building On, Building Up, And Expanding: Common FAQs

You may have bought your home with the idea that it would meet your every need, but, sometimes, lack of space can be an issue after you have settled in. Building on or expanding is often easier than selling out and moving on to a different house. Here are a few questions most homeowners have about the process. 

How much will it cost to build on a room?

Numerous variables will affect the overall costs of building a room onto your home. For example, construction costs can vary rather significantly depending on where you are located. Obviously, costs can vary depending on what type of room you are building, how many windows it will have, and several other factors related to implements necessary for the build. The cheapest of all rooms may be something like a bedroom, which is just a general space without the need for a lot of fixtures. 

What part of the house is best to build onto?

Most homes have a few logical points where expansion could be feasible. Generally speaking, expansions are most often best added to the back of a house, but they can be worked into the side, and building up may even be an option if you do not have a lot of ground space to work with. Several things have to be considered before picking the best expansion point, such as:

  • The overall supporting frame of the house and where it could potentially be interrupted or opened up 
  • The floorplan of the interior and logical placement of the expansion 
  • The ground space available for an expansion 
  • The zoning restrictions in place by your local governing entities 
  • The expansion point that will flow well with the exterior of the home 

Is it harder to build up or build out when it comes to expansion?

Costs associated with building up or out tend to be close to the same, and sometimes it can be more logical to build up than it is to build out. For example, if you do not have a lot of ground space or a logical point around the home's perimeter for building on a room, it may be better to build up. In general terms, an up-build can be a bit easier to manage; you already have a support frame in place for the flooring and it tends to be easier to find a logical spot for upward expansion. 

If you want to build a home addition, contact a contractor near you.

About Me

Keep on Building, Keep on Learning

Ask any construction worker if they know everything about their profession, and they will generally respond with a resounding "no." This does not mean that construction workers are not knowledgeable about their jobs — they really are! What it does mean is that they are always learning, and that they understand that continuing to learn is a part of the job. That's something we think that most people could stand to learn from. If were were all as open to building knowledge as contractors and builders, imagine what we could learn. We decided to contribute, in our own small part, by writing this blog about construction work. We hope you enjoy and learn from it.



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